Paris Day 5 - Goodbyes, Chipotle, and Disneyland
Sadly it was the last day of my family’s vacation and they had an early flight out of Paris. For the first time in our entire vacation we woke up early, said our goodbyes and they were on their way.
M and I packed up our stuff and made ourselves feel better with Chipotle. Yes, Chipotle. Turns out there are 4 in Paris.
We decided to stay a few days in Paris and go to Disneyland. We took the train to our hotel, the Vienna House Dream Castle Hotel. Yes, we agree. It does sound like they just threw a bunch of buzz words together. Most of their hotels sound like that.
Our hotel was nice but it was definitely for families. They had lots of toys, arcade games, and jungle gyms in the lobby of the hotel. Even the bar was playing the Muppets movie. If you do end up staying at this hotel, try to avoid the food. It is terrible. There always seemed to be some kid sucking his sticky hand in the mashed potatoes and the quality was terrible. Pro, it is close to Disneyland and cheap. Con, not great value.
We went to Disneyland for the evening and realized the park closed at 7:00PM. It is still unclear to us if these are their winter or weekday hours but they close insanely early. Their restaurants close even sooner at 4:00PM. If you do end up visiting Disneyland Paris, research the hours first.