Italianità: The essence​ of being Italian


It is not every day your father publishes a book. I know this because it took my dad 5+ years to write his book, Italianità.

Italianità is about what it means to be Italian and Italian-American. Everyone from the little old lady in the hills of Tuscany making spaghetti, to the fisherman off the coast of Sicily, to the New York guido flexing, and the west coast Italian delivering real pizza to those who miss the old country, the essence of being Italian is in all of us.

Italianità cannot be summed up in a menu, Mario caricature, or mob reference, but it is so much more that is often overlooked. Today, the essence of being Italian comes from a compilation of hard work, stories around the table, and strong traditions kept. This book is one of those examples of hard work, stories, and traditions recorded for future generations.

If you are looking to connect with your Italian roots or simply want to hear more of those stories told around the table, Italianità will take you there.

Click here to purchase Italinità.




Maui 2016 - Day 8