Engagement Photos in Strasbourg
A lot of things happen when you get engaged. You are rushed with questions and overwhelmed with the options available when it comes to planning a wedding. But one of the first things many people do is plan engagement photos.
M and I have been engaged for about 7 months now. Unfortunately, due to things that are out of our control we have not be able to pick a wedding date.
We were hoping for this fall, but with a big international move, new jobs, and trying to plan a wedding in a state we rarely get the opportunity to visit, makes it difficult. So a couple weeks ago we decided to push the wedding back to 2019, it was crushing. We have been together long enough and so ready to get married, but we are being grateful that this is our biggest issue. We should be grateful.
Grateful, but a little disappointed, we decided to continue with the engagement photos because who could beat the location?
We didn’t have to go far to meet our photographer. She met us right outside our apartment and we got going! I think it is self-explanatory why we decided to take photos in Strasbourg, but it was the first home we shared together. The Cathedral is where we got engaged and we have so many memories with friends, family, and of course each other. Why take them anywhere else?
So we decided to share just a few of our favorites. Our incredible photographer, Alexa Penberthy, did an amazing job. She and her husband flew in from London and we are so overjoyed we found her.
If you are interested in learning more about Alexa check out her website here. She and her husband often travel for photography sessions, frequently visiting the US! We loved working with her and helped make us feel at ease. I would completely 100% recommend her!