Australia 2016 - Day 4
Today we traveled from Cairns to Sydney. Fortunately, we are done with layovers so the day should be fairly easy. We packed and left for the airport fairly early. Cairns has probably been my least favorite airport. Everything is squished together and when it is time for your flight you walk for about 5 minutes to your gate.
*not our photo, we forgot to take one
We arrived in Sydney a few hours later and took a taxi to our AirBnb, which is located in they Sydney Finger Wharf, it is incredible. Our place is on the top level of an old shipping warehouse that was converted into a hotel, apartment complex, and restaurant center. It is absolutely gorgeous and the architects did an amazing job. The place is filled with history and very modern. Looking out our window we see straight to the bay and a battleship they are preparing to sink for reefing.
After settling in we walked to a famous pie place and enjoyed some meat pies. We then took a quick 10 minute walk to the Sydney Opera House and had a view of the bridge. It was getting cold and late so we walked back and went to bed.